Simple Machines Forum (SMF) Upgrade

We can upgrade your Simple Machines Forum installation to the latest version, along with upgrading outdated mods. When we do upgrades, we ensure that all of your mods and everything else will work properly on the upgraded website by setting up a test of the upgrade in a directory on your website first, so that you can test out the new version before having the upgrade applied to the production website.

In most instances, if you are having a problem with the website, upgrading Simple Machines Forum won't resolve that, but we can usually resolve that issue while working on the upgrade

Applying the upgrade to the production website takes only a matter of minutes, but we can schedule to apply it during off hours to avoid even limited downtime from impacting important visits to your website when that is happening. While the testing of the upgrade first should negate the need for a backup when upgrading the production website, we make another backup before upgrading the production website.

The whole upgrade process can usually be completed within a few days of you getting in touch with us.

Hosting Requirements for 2.1.x:

    (We can check with your hosting provider to make sure that these requirements are met.)
  • PHP version 5.3 or greater
  • MySQL version 4.0.18 or greater, or PostgreSQL 8.0 or greater, or SQLite 2.x


$200 USD.

Payment is due after we have completed the upgrade. We accept payment by credit card, debit card, or eCheck through PayPal in several currencies.