Check What Version of MediaWiki You Are Running

Need MediaWiki Upgraded?

Updated: January 10, 2024

The version number of MediaWiki installed on your website is listed in several places:

  • On the Special:Version page (i.e,, the version number is listed in the "Installed software" section:
    MediaWiki Version on Version Page
  • In older versions, in the file /includes/DefaultSettings.php the version number is listed in the line that begins $wgVersion:
     * MediaWiki version number
     * @since 1.2
    $wgVersion = '1.25.1';

    In newer versions, in the file /includes/Defines.php the version number is listed in the line that begins define( 'MW_VERSION:

     * The running version of MediaWiki.
     * This replaces the $wgVersion global found in earlier versions. When updating,
     * remember to also bump the stand-alone duplicate of this in PHPVersionCheck.
     * @since 1.35 (also backported to 1.33.3 and 1.34.1)
    define( 'MW_VERSION', '1.37.1' );
  • In the source code of the website's pages the version number is listed in the following line:
    <meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki 1.25.1">

If you have an outdated MediaWiki installation in need of an update, we can handle that upgrade for you.

Current Versions of MediaWiki

1.39.11, 1.42.4, and 1.43.0