What Sets Us Apart From Other Website Malware Removal Providers
Finding the right person to remove the malware from your website is critical to make sure that the process is handled quickly, professionally, and properly the first time.
We Make Sure Your Website is Secured
Just removing the malware will not solve your website malware issue. You need to determine how the website was infected and fix that or you leave your website open to being infected again. Some other providers are happy to charge you over and over to clean up your website, others will sell you a monitoring service that might warn you after you have been reinfected, and others just assume that all hacks are due to the same source. Determining how you were infected and fixing that is the more difficult part of the work, it requires more time spent on your website and more time spent becoming knowledge about the underlying technology and software being used. For that reason we charge more than some of our competitors (though surprisingly many charge much more than we do), but you will end saving money having the work done right the first time. If you do get reinfected with the same malware it means we didn't clean up the website properly and will fix it again for free.
We Don't Charge For Basic Advice
There are many times we get contacted about an issue and we can provide you advice on taking care of the issue yourself or point you to a better source to handle the work. For example, recently a fair amount of hacks have been due to issues with hosting providers and in those cases we recommend that you make the hosting provider clean up after their problem (if they are not willing to, we can take care of it for you).
Were Truly Independent
Other providers recommend products and services not based on whether the product is useful or is the best for your situation, but on whether the makers of those products or service are providing them a kickback for making the recommendation. We don't have any deals like that and we will not in the future. When you are not receiving any compensation for recommending something, your interest is only in providing the best advice to your clients. In many cases that means we recommend against using products or service that you do not need or do not actually work.
In more troubling cases we have seen malware removal providers willing to lie about malware that has been caused by security problems with a hosting provider, in return the hosting providers recommend that their clients use the malware removal providers service. We would never lie about an issue to get business from a hosting provider and we would not leave your unaware that you are still vulnerable due to your hosting provider's negligence. We publicly track security issues with hosting providers to let everyone know about these issues.
We Don't Overpromise
We often see other providers making exaggerated or false claims about their service. We are always realistic about what we provide even if that means that we lose some business in the process.