Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall Plugin Uses Non-Existent Brute Force Attacks To Get Registrations and Donations

When it comes to WordPress security, one thing we can’t emphasis enough is that people putting out security products and services for it don’t seem to have a good grasp of security. One of the most glaring examples of this is how often the falsehood that there are lots of brute force attacks against WordPress admin passwords happening, despite the evidence presented that they are happening actually showing the exact opposite.

Recently, while doing testing on how WordPress security plugins did in protecting against real world plugin vulnerabilities (short version, they haven’t done well in the testing so far) for our Plugin Vulnerabilities service we ran across the plugin Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall. The plugin is one of the most popular security plugins, with 100,000+ active installs according to

On the Firewalls Options page you will find that they have an option for Brute-force Protection:


So they are using a non-existent threat to try to get people to register and donate. On top of that, the protection seems to involving modify a core file, which isn’t a very good idea.