This Is Not a Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability in WordPress 4.2.2

As part our effort to improve the security WordPress plugins we monitor new reports of WordPress related vulnerabilities so that we can help to make sure they get fixed (and add them to our Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin). While most reports involve actual vulnerabilities, fairly often we run across reports for vulnerabilities that don’t exist. Today we ran across one really bad report worth discussing since the claimed vulnerability is so severe. The vulnerability report is titled “WordPress 4.2.2 – Remote File Inclusion“. It would be a big deal if the latest version of WordPress had any publicly disclosed vulnerability, but a remote file inclusion vulnerability would be a very big deal since that is type of vulnerability that is highly likely to be exploited by a hacker.

The first part of the advisory clearly indicates the vulnerability in the latest version of WordPress since the Software Link is to

# Exploit Title : WordPress 4.2.2 - Remote File Inclusion
# Exploit Author : amir disconnect
# Vendor Homepage :
# Date: 30/6/2015
# Tested On : Linux Kali , Windows 7
# Software Link :
# Version : 4.2.2
# CVE: N/A

Then immediately after that it becomes clear the advisory is related to a plugin, since the claimed vulnerable file is a file in the Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugin, which doesn’t come with WordPress:

# Remote File Inclusion

# Proof


So right there we can rule this out as being a vulnerability in WordPress, version 4.2.2 or otherwise, but was about it being a vulnerability in the plugin?

What appears to be the claimed vulnerability is mentioned at the end of the advisory:

Note:at the line 172 include apeared without any filter

That refers to the line “include $template;” in the following function:

public function get_view( $template ) {

	if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) {

		$template_dir = $this->plugin_dir . 'inc/templates/';
		$template     = $template_dir . $template . '.tpl.php';

		if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) {
			return '';

	include $template;

	return ob_get_clean();

For it to be possible for this to be a vulnerability the value of $template would need to be something that is user assignable, which it isn’t. The variable value is assigned when calling the function get_view. The plugins calls that function in three instances and all of them use pre-assigned values:

echo $this->get_view( 'media-frame' ); // WPCS: xss ok
echo $this->get_view( 'list-item' ); // WPCS: xss ok
echo $this->get_view( 'edit-form' ); // WPCS: xss ok

So there doesn’t appear to be any security issue here.

The Slow Pace of WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities Getting Fixed

Since we have been reviewing publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins to add them to our Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin, one of the things that has stood out to us is how long it can take for vulnerabilities to get fixed. Part of what makes this stand out is that in many of the cases fixing the vulnerability is quite easy, so it seems that many developers are just not too concerned about keeping their plugins are secure.

Let’s take a look at recent example of this. Back in March g0blin Research discovered an authenticated persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the plugin AddThis Sharing Buttons (formerly Smart Website Tools by AddThis). This plugin currently has over 200,000 active installs according to, has 12 listed authors, and is developed a private corporation of the same name. The vulnerability was caused by an Ajax function that should only be accessible to Administrator level users being accessible to any registered user. That severely limits the potential danger of the vulnerability since most WordPress based websites do not allow the public to create accounts, so someone relatively trusted with malicious intent would be required for the vulnerability to be exploited. It also should make it quite easy to fix, but as the timeline included with advisory (show below) shows it took the developers over two months to fix the issue:

2015-03-19: Discovered
2015-03-19: Vendor notified
2015-03-19: Vendor responded – link to report provided
2015-03-20: Version 4.0.7 released – issue still present
2015-03-26: Vendor responded with intent to fix
2015-03-31: Update requested from Vendor
2015-04-07: Vendor responded stating that a fix is in progress
2015-04-13: Update requested from Vendor
2015-04-16: Vendor states that fix is undergoing QA
2015-05-04: Update requested from  Vendor
2015-05-11: Update requested from Vendor
2015-05-12: Vendor states that fix was rejected by QA, has been redeveloped and has been passed back to QA for re testing.
2015-06-01: Notified vendor of intention to contact WordPress Plugins team
2015-06-03: Version 5.0.4 released – issue resolved
2015-06-10: Advisory released

So what does it take to get this type of issue fixed?

There are two functions that are often used to check if someone is Administrator level user. The more widely used is to check if the user has the capability to manage_options:

current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ )

That capability is normally only provided to Administrator level and above users, and allows access to WordPress settings pages. That would be particular relevant for fixing this vulnerability as the vulnerable Ajax function is something that would have normally be accessed from a settings page.

The second function checks if a user is a Super Admin or Administrator:


With that function if network mode is enabled (WordPress MutliSite) it will return true if the user is a Super Admin and when network is not enabled it will return true if the user is an Administrator. Beyond the implications that this has with MultiSite websites, there is a potential that someone will accidentally use is_admin when they meant to user is_super_admin. That would be a security problem of its own, as is_admin only checks if an administrative page is being requested and “does not check if the user is logged in, nor if the user even has access to the page being requested”.

So what did the AddThis Developers come up after months and having a fix rejected by quality assurance?

First up is the relevant function before being fixed:

public function addthisAsyncLoading()
if ($this->_checkAsyncLoading()) {
$updateResult = $this->updateSettings($this->_postVariables);
die; //exit from the ajax request

Here is the fixed version (fix bolded):

public function addthisAsyncLoading()
if (current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) && $this->_checkAsyncLoading()) {
$updateResult = $this->updateSettings($this->_postVariables);
die; //exit from the ajax request

Why it two months to add less than a line of code is something we don’t understand. It could have been worse, in another case with the same failure to check on a user level, it to  the plugin being pulled the plugin from the Plugin Directory for the vulnerability to be fixed (following us reporting it to Plugin Directory).

SiteLock Also Managed to Break a Website

When it comes to improving the security of websites one of the biggest impediments we see is the many companies selling security services. The services they sell generally don’t do much too actually fix the underlying security issues that exist (and could be fixed), while at the same time they spread a lot of bad information making it harder to actually improve security. The general sense we get is that these companies neither care nor know much about security.

One such company we have discussed several times before is SiteLock. In the past we have mentioned how they continue to fail to do a basic security check and don’t do proper hack cleanups. In another post we looked at how GoDaddy was distributing software to clients with known security vulnerabilities while trying to sell an additional service in partnership with SiteLock to “Defend your website against hackers” and “Keep your site clean and secure.”. If SiteLock cared about security you would think they would have insured that GoDaddy resolved that situation before they partnered with them.

A recent situation we were brought in on showed yet more problems with SiteLock. A Joomla website hosted with GoDaddy was hacked and GoDaddy recommend to the website’s owner that they sign up SiteLock’s service to clean it up. SiteLock then did what they describe as 95 percent of the cleanup, but then told the website’s owner that rest of the work would need to be done manually and would incur an additional fee. In the meantime the work SiteLock had done had managed to break the website, with only the homepage loading anymore. The website’s owner was unsettled about SiteLock wanting more money to complete the work and the fact that the website was broken after the partial work was done, so they reached out to us to take a look.

The most likely culprit for when only the homepage is loading for a Joomla website that has Search Engine Friendly URLs enabled, like this one did, is that the .htaccess file has been damaged in some way. The code in that file is needed to translate the Search Engine Friendly URLs in to the form understood by the underlying software. It isn’t uncommon when we are brought to re-clean a hacked website that has been previously cleaned with an automated tool to find that core files have been damaged or deleted entirely, causing varying degrees of problems with the website. In this situation the .htaccess file was missing all of the normal code that should be in it when we took a look at it.

One nice feature of GoDaddy’s standard control panel is that you are able to view how files looked over the previous month or so, which can come in handy when dealing with recently hacked websites. In this case we figured we could pull up the file from right before SiteLock did its cleanup and then restore the file and just remove the malicious code in it. Surprisingly there was no malicious code in the file, so unless some malicious code was added between when backup file was made that day and the time of their cleanup, it looks like SiteLock managed somehow to damage a file that had not contained any malicious code and shouldn’t have been touched. Stores Non-Hashed FTP/SFTP/SSH Passwords

One of the ways that security issues at a web host can lead to hosted websites getting hacked is if there is breach that reveals users login details and then the hacker uses those to log in to customer accounts. Not getting breached in the first place is the best way to prevent this type of thing from occurring, but other measures should be taken to limit the potential impact of a breach.

One of the measures that needs to be taken is to store passwords as securely as possible, which means storing them in hashed form. You can think of a password hashing as one-way encryption. That is, the data is encrypted, but it cannot be decrypted, so the underlying password is not retrievable in normal circumstances. With this type of password storage when someone tries to log in the password they input is hashed and then compared with the stored password hash to see if they are the same. With hashed passwords even if someone gets access to the stored passwords it would be difficult for them to do anything with them, since they would first have to crack the hashes.

One way to spot if a password is being stored in non-hashed form somewhere in a web host systems is if it can be displayed to you, since if they were only stored in hashed form they wouldn’t know what the underlying password is to be able to show it to you. While we were working on a website hosted with recently we spotted this page in their control panel: control panel FTP/SSH page

When you click on the “View hidden password” it will in fact show the password for FTP/SFTP/SSH, which wouldn’t be possible if the password was properly stored. Since we can’t see the underlying systems we don’t know if they are storing the password in plaintext somewhere, which would be the worst case, or if they are at least encrypting it.

Such bad security doesn’t match’s claims about their security. For example they claim that:

The Platform is continually monitored and managed by specialized security experts who understand the security requirements of both the server and application.

Another claim that sounds bad, but could be an indication that other web hosts have even worse security is that:

Our managed hosting service is widely considered to be more secure than the many alternatives.

InMotion Hosting Prominently Promoting Installation of EOL’d Joomla Version

When it comes to keeping websites secure, keeping the software on them up to date is one of the basic measures that needs to be taken. We know that web hosts are aware of this because they will often tell people when their websites have been hacked that it was due to outdated software (since this usually isn’t based on any actually evidence, it often is wrong). Unfortunately we continue to find that web hosts don’t bother to make sure that they are not distributing outdated software to their customers.

Recently while doing some work on a web site hosted with InMotion Hosting, we noticed that in the website’s cPanel control panel that the option to install Joomla 2.5 was being prominently displayed:


That should not be happening since support for Joomla 2.5 ended back on December 31. Not only does that put websites at risk if a security issues is found in Joomla 2.5, but it can cause unnecessary trouble down the road because upgrading from Joomla 2.5 to 3.x is not always the one-click upgrade it is a promoted as.

On the installation page they do provide the option to install the currently supported version of Joomla, 3.4.1, as well. But you would have to select that version from a drop down box:


The problems don’t stop there. On the main page for their software installing service the ninth slot is Moodle 2.0:


Support for Moodle 2.0 ended nearly three years ago, in June 2012.

As with Joomla, they do also offer supported versions, but you would have to select those from a dropdown where 2.0 is the default:


Installing this version now will lead to otherwise unnecessary work down the road because Moodle will have to be upgraded to version 2.2 before it can be upgraded to a version 2.3 of higher.

WPScan Incorrectly Identifies Plugin Vulnerabilities as Being Fixed

The WPScan tool is “black box WordPress Security Scanner written in Ruby which attempts to find known security weaknesses within WordPress installations”, which is described as being intended “for security professionals or WordPress administrators to asses the security posture of their WordPress installations.” We find that claim somewhat odd since it scans a WordPress website from the outside of the website, which not only isn’t necessary if you have admin access to the website (which anyone involved with the security of website should have), but is also an inefficient way of doing a security scan when you have that access. While doing some research for another post we identified another problem that makes the tool bad for use by a security professional: their data indicates that plugin vulnerabilities have been fixed as of versions of the plugin that still in fact contain the vulnerabilities. Since this gets to a larger problem we have been seeing, we though it would make sense to take a look at this.

In WPScan’s vulnerability data for a a vulnerability in a plugin named Ajax Search Lite it says that the vulnerability impacted versions at or below 3.1 and that the vulnerability was “fixed in version 3.11”. The first claim is wrong and the second claim was wrong as of the date their data was last updated, March 21. We know this because we help to get the plugin fixed after that.


As part of the process of adding WordPress plugin vulnerabilities to our Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin, we check to make sure the claimed vulnerabilities actually exist (which they sometimes don’t) and we try to determine all of the version that are vulnerable. Knowing what versions are vulnerable is important when trying to determine how a WordPress website was hacked (as we do when cleaning up Hacked WordPress websites), as you can rule out a plugin’s vulnerability if the installed versions is not vulnerable. In adding data for over 225 vulnerabilities to our plugin so far, we have found that while some vulnerabilities have existed in every version of a plugin, many impact less versions, in some cases only one version has been impacted. What has been more surprising in working on the plugin is how often we find that even though a vulnerability has been listed as fixed, it hasn’t been. That was the case with Ajax Search Lite.

When we starting looking into the security advisory for Ajax Search Lite we figured that the vulnerability had probably been fixed in version 3.11 of the plugin based on the changelog entry for that version, “A possible security issue fix”, and the release date. After confirming that vulnerability existed in the prior version, 3.1, we checked to make sure it was fixed in 3.11, but it wasn’t. Looking at the changes between 3.1 and 3.11 we didn’t see anything that looked like the security fix. We then took a look at another plugin from the same developer Related Posts Lite that was reported to have the same issue. In that case the vulnerability had been fixed, so it looked to as if the developer simply forgot to include the fix in Ajax Search Lite. We notified the developer on March 26 of the issue; they then promptly responded and fixed the vulnerability. They still haven’t increased the version number so that anyone who got version 3.11 before that happened is still vulnerable. Because WPScan doesn’t do what we do, with their tool you wouldn’t know that you could still be running an insecure version.

What has made the issue of unfixed vulnerabilities even more surprising to us is that organizations that would think would be careful about this sort of thing, haven’t been. Take for instance another vulnerability we looked at recently. High-Tech Bridge, a security services provider, put out a security advisory for a vulnerability in the Easing Slider plugin. In it they stated that the vulnerability was “Fixed by Vendor” and indicated that the fix occurred in version When we went to check on the vulnerability we found that it still existed in that version. In the changelog for that version it was listed that “Fixed some $_GET input validation security issues.”, which would appear to relate to the security issue identified, but they had not in fact done that to inputs that were the root of this vulnerability. It appears that High Tech Bridge didn’t actually test out their sample exploit in the new version, since it was obvious that it wasn’t fixed if you did that. We alerted the developer to the issue and the locations of the vulnerable code, which lead to the vulnerability actually being fixed in version 2.2.1. Once again if you are relying on WPScan you would be in trouble since they indicate the vulnerability impacted versions at or below and that the vulnerability was “fixed in version”.


While this highlights the problem of relying on WPScan for security purposes, it also points to any area where the security of WordPress plugin could be improved. If WordPress provided a process where a plugin is reviewed after a security vulnerability is supposed to have been fixed then these types of issues could be quickly caught and fixed. As to who would provide the funding for this, we already have a good idea.

No One Bothers to Report Security Issue in WordPress Theme Either

For years we have discussed the fact that in many cases with publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins, no one bothers to notify the developer or about them (that includes organizations selling WordPress security services like WordFence and WPScan). In many cases if this was done that would be enough to get them fixed. In other cases, when the vulnerability does not get fixed, the plugin will be pulled from the Plugin Directory and that will prevent more websites from adding the vulnerable plugins (alerting people that they are using plugins that have been removed from the directory is something we have been pushing for for years).

We have more than enough time taken up looking into to security issues in plugins, so we rarely look into security issues with themes, but we happened upon one last week that shows the lack of reporting extends to theme issues. Back on February 13 an authenticated arbitrary file upload vulnerability was disclosed in the current version of the Fusion theme, which was available on the Theme Directory. After confirming that the vulnerability existed we reported it to and then within an hour it was pulled from the directory.

What was troubling is that we don’t appear to have been the only people that had taken a look. Here is a screenshot of the graph of downloads from right before the theme was taken down from the Theme Directory:


We are pretty sure that spike in downloads shortly after the disclosure is related to people looking into the vulnerability and yet no one else looking at the issue bothered to report it. That includes the people at WPScan, who again included a vulnerability in their vulnerability database, but didn’t report it.

WordPress Leaves Very Vulnerable Plugin In Plugin Directory

On March 8 an arbitrary file upload vulnerability, which would allow anyone to upload any kind of files to a website, was disclosed in the Reflex Gallery plugin. This type of vulnerability is probably the most serious vulnerability for a website since, unlike many types of vulnerabilities that rarely get exploited, it is question of when, not if, it will be exploited on websites. This is due to the fact that a hacker can use the vulnerability to upload a .php backdoor script, which will give them remote access to the website without having to interact with the software already running on the website. The only good news in this case it that the plugin is not very popular, the WordPress Plugin Directory lists as having 2,000+ active installs.

When we started to take a look at the vulnerability report to include it in our plugin that notifies of known security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins we noticed that this plugin had previously had another arbitrary file upload vulnerability that existed in versions 1.0-3.0. The proof of concept for the previous vulnerability looked similar to the new one, both of them targeted the file /admin/scripts/FileUploader/php.php in the plugin. The main difference between them was that second included a couple of URLS parameters in the request, ?Year=2015&Month=03. Our first thought was that new vulnerability might somehow be related those URL parameters, though as we dug in we found what was really going on.

In version 3.0.1 the first vulnerability was fixed by changing the line

$allowedExtensions = array();


$allowedExtensions = array(“jpeg”, “gif”, “png”);

in the file /admin/scripts/FileUploader/php.php.

That restricted what file extensions could be uploaded, so that .php files could not be uploaded. While this provided basic protection, it was less than should have been done. Since the front-end of the plugin’s upload functionality is only accessible admin users the underlying upload function should have also been restricted to admin users. That way if there were some other vulnerability in it only admins would be able to exploit it, which really isn’t much of a problem. There are a couple of other potential issues that come from allowing anyone to upload files. First, you have the chance for denial of service (DOS) attack from someone filling up all of the websites disk space with uploaded files. Second, since only the file extension is limited, it is still possible to upload files with PHP code, which could be combined with a local file inclusion (LFI) vulnerability to exploit a website.

We then looked at what changes were made in the most recent version, 3.1.3, and that showed what happened with the second vulnerability. In the file /admin/scripts/FileUploader/php.php the line

$allowedExtensions = array(“jpeg”, “gif”, “png”);

was changed to

$allowedExtensions = array();

So for some reason the fix that was put in place before was removed, which re-opened the vulnerability. What makes this seems odder is that the changelog for 3.1.3 list only two changes made:

  • Fixed issue of gallery info not updating on Edit Gallery page
  • Additional security fixes

Last Monday, after looking into the vulnerability we attempted to notify the developer of the plugin about the disclosure of the vulnerability and the underlying cause. Were not sure if they got because when we submitted a message on their website’s contact form it didn’t provide any indication that message had been successfully sent. If we can’t reach a developer or they don’t respond our next step with a vulnerability that exist in a plugin that is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory is to report to the people running it. We originally planned to do that on Friday as that would have give the developer four days to deal with it first, but then on Thursday while reviewing our log files to see what WordPress plugin vulnerabilities there had been recent exploit attempts for we saw that there was attempt to exploit this vulnerability. It was done during a series of requests (shown below) that included trying to exploit some rather old vulnerabilities so it is likely that was not an attempt based on the recent disclosure, but the previous one. – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:37 -0400] “GET /blog/2010/11/19/oscommerce-2-3-includes-fixes-for-security-vulnerabilities-and-security-enhancements//xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 301 567 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:38 -0400] “GET /blog/2010/11/19/oscommerce-2-3-includes-fixes-for-security-vulnerabilities-and-security-enhancements/xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 404 6349 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:41 -0400] “GET //xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1” 200 439 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:42 -0400] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 11041 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:52 -0400] “GET //wp-content/themes/vip/includes/uploadify/upload_settings_image.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:07:58 -0400] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 11041 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:07 -0400] “GET /wp-content/themes//timthumb.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:10 -0400] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 11041 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:19 -0400] “GET /wp-content/themes//thumb.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:23 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/woopra/inc/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name=joss.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:25 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-seo-spy-google/ofc/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name=joss.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:27 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/invit0r/lib/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name=joss.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:29 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/chart/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name=joss.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:31 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/wp-slimstat-ex/lib/ofc/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php?name=joss.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:33 -0400] “GET /wp-content/themes/cameleon/includes/fileuploader/upload_handler.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:36 -0400] “GET /wp-content/themes/switchblade/framework/_scripts/valums_uploader/php.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:41 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/reflex-gallery/admin/scripts/FileUploader/php.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:45 -0400] “GET /wp-content/themes/elemin/themify/themify-ajax.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:49 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/front-file-manager/upload.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:52 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/complete-gallery-manager/frames/upload-images.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:08:56 -0400] “GET /wp-content/plugins/is-human/engine.php?action=log-reset&type=ih_options();eval(base64_decode(JHM9cGhwX3VuYW1lKCk7CmVjaG8gJzxicj4nLiRzOwoKZWNobyAnPGJyPic7CnBhc3N0aHJ1KGlkKTsK));error HTTP/1.1” 404 5838 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:09:00 -0400] “POST /wp-content/plugins/radykal-fancy-gallery/admin/image-upload.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5864 “-” “libwww-perl/6.08” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:09:02 -0400] “POST /wp-content/plugins/mm-forms-community/includes/doajaxfileupload.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5864 “-” “libwww-perl/6.08” – – [12/Mar/2015:02:09:05 -0400] “POST /wp-content/plugins/html5avmanager/lib/uploadify/custom.php HTTP/1.1” 404 5864 “-” “libwww-perl/6.08”

At that point we immediately sent an email to the people running the Plugin Directory alerting to the vulnerability and the fact that it was currently being exploited (along with details on three other vulnerabilities). In most cases in the past when we having reported vulnerabilities to them in this way they have quickly responding by taken the plugin down until a fix was released, so that no additional websites would made vulnerable. Unfortunately, as of posting this on Monday morning the plugin has not been updated or pulled from the plugin directory.

Improving The Handling of Plugin Vulnerabilities

This situation highlights a couple of serious problem that come with the current handling vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins, but also points to where improvements can be made.

Making it Easier to Report Vulnerabilities

The current methods for reporting security vulnerabilities are lacking. You can try to contact the developer through their website, but isn’t also easy to find an email address or contact to do that. Some plugins have email addresses they specifically suggest you use to contact them about security issues, but they also can be hard to locate on their websites. You can try contacting the developer through the plugin’s support forum in the Plugin Directory, but not every developer monitors that closely and it is public so that can limit ability to safely disclose information. From what we have seen it appears that many people that are discovering vulnerabilities don’t know that the can also contact the Plugin Directory about the issue, which isn’t too surprising since it isn’t prominent displayed.

One possible solution for this would be to provide a mechanism on the plugin’s page on the Plugin Directory for security vulnerabilities to be reported, which would then send it along to the developer and the people running the Plugin Directory.

Checking on Fixes

What we see fairly often is that when developers attempt to fix publicly disclosed vulnerabilities they either only partially fix it or don’t fix it at all. In other cases the disclosed vulnerability is only part of a wider security issue. Putting a place a process where a review by someone with a better understanding of security is done after the developer thinks they have fixed the vulnerability could go a long way to improving the security of plugins. We already have a good idea of who could provide the financial supports this (in the meantime our checks during the process of adding the vulnerability to our Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin have lead to a number of these situation getting resolved).

In this case if the file uploading had been restricted to admins, then even with the undoing of the file extension restriction the security vulnerability would not have opened back up.

Auttomattic Sponsored WordPress Plugin Pods Still Hasn’t Fixed Publicly Known Security Vulnerability After Two Months

In discussing how the security of WordPress plugins could be improved we have put forward that Automattic, the company closely connected with WordPress, should have some responsibility for that. With a valuation of over billion dollars they certainly have the financial wherewithal to bear the burden of some responsibility. Shortly after putting forward that idea that we came across a security advisory for multiple vulnerabilities in Pods, a plugin that Automattic sponsors.

When we checked on the vulnerabilities to add them to Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin we found that despite the advisory saying that they were fixed in version 2.5, that in fact two reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities listed still existed. Three days after the advisory was put out, January 15, we notified the Pods developers that vulnerabilities still existed. We promptly received a reply from them, but it didn’t seem like they really understood the situation.

A week later versions 2.5.1 and were released, neither of which addressed the security vulnerabilities.

On February 5 and 9 we received emails from the developers that the vulnerabilities would be fixed in version 2.5.2. That version has yet to be released and it has now been two months that they have knowingly left the vulnerabilities in the plugin. Maybe this will be a wake-up call to Automattic that plugin security needs to be taken more seriously and that they can start playing a constructive role by improving the security of plugins they sponsor.

SiteLock Still Failing To Do Basic Security Check

Back in September we looked at the fact that a website we were doing an upgrade of Magento on had a security seal from SiteLock claiming that the website was secure, despite the fact that it wasn’t since the website was running outdated software with known security issues. Fast forward six months and SiteLock is still labeling websites as secure when they are running outdated and insecure software.

Today’s case involves a website that we are doing an upgrade from Zen Cart 1.3.8a. That version is nearly five years out of date and there have been numerous releases with security improvements since then (due to its age, it isn’t clear exactly how many of those fix issues that existed in 1.3.8a). Despite that the website is labeled as being secure by SiteLock:

Sitelock Security Seal

Not only does falsely claiming the website is secure mislead those visiting the website, but it also gives webmaster a false sense of security, which a security service shouldn’t do.

If SiteLock was actually interested in security it would quite easy for them to make sure the software on websites is up to date. Our Zen Cart Version Check extension for chrome is able to correctly detect the version in use from outside the website in this case:

Zen Cart Version Check

With access to the website’s file, as Sitelock does, it is even easier to do and more accurate. For Zen Cart the version number is listed in the file /includes/version.php, so all you would need to do is to check files matching that for the following lines and you would know whether an outdated version of Zen Cart is in use:

define(‘PROJECT_VERSION_NAME’, ‘Zen Cart’);
define(‘PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR’, ‘3.8a’);