Moving to Squarespace Isn’t Like Migrating a Website to a New Host

We recently had someone contact us looking to move their website to Squarespace. They believed that doing that is like migrating a website to a new web host, but it is very different.

Squarespace is not a web host, but a website builder. With a web host, you would create a website based on software you install in the hosting account. You can then move that to another web host as long as their hosting system is compatible with the software. With Squarespace, your website is created in their own software. So you can’t transfer an existing website to them and you can’t transfer a Squarespace built website to another web host.

When moving your website to Squarespace, you are largely starting over. Depending on what you are moving from, you can automatically move some content over to it, but otherwise everything needs to be redone.

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