You Can’t Migrate Your WordPress Website to Squarespace, Only Move Some of the Content

We were recently contacted by someone looking to migrate a WordPress website to Squarespace. Based on that interaction, it seems that not everyone is familiar with the implications of trying to make such a move. Put simply, those two systems are not compatible. You are largely starting over if you make that move. You can move various content, but everything else has to be done again.

Here is Squarespace’s own information on what content can be imported:

You can import the following content from WordPress:

  • Attachments
  • Blog pages, blog posts, and authors
  • Categories
  • Comments
  • Individual images
  • Site pages
  • Tags

You can’t import:

  • Content from plugins
  • Gallery images
  • Image captions
  • Images saved in your Media Library, but not attached to any posts or pages, won’t import. We recommend downloading all images in your Media Library so you have them as a backup.
  • Style or CSS. To customize your Squarespace site’s design, use the Site styles panel.

The last item mentioned that you can’t import, is really important to note. All the styling will need to be redone. Depending on how advanced the design of the website is, that might not matter much (if you, say, only have text pages), but it also might dramatically undo the look of the content.

How you manage the website can also be dramatically different.

If you are simply having some trouble with your WordPress website, as the person we were contacted by was, it would be better to see if that can be addressed instead of making a huge change, like switching to Squarespace. We can help you with that.

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