The Reality Behind Praise for a Hack Cleanup Done by SiteLock

In dealing with hacked websites, we are often brought in to redo hack cleanups after another company has done a cleanup and the website gets hacked again. That isn’t necessarily the fault of the company doing the cleanup, but what we have found is that with those websites the company doing the previously cleanup almost always has unintentionally or intentionally cut corners.

The first thing we ask when it is brought up that there was a previous cleanup is if it was determined how the website was hacked. The answer is almost universally that determining how the website was hacked never even came up. Not only is doing that one of the three basic components of a proper cleanup, but if that isn’t done then you have no way of knowing if the vulnerability that allowed the website to be hacked still exists or not and therefore if the website is still vulnerable.

Even after finding out the company that did the previous cleanup didn’t do things right and having to hire us to re-clean the website we have had people say that the previous company did a good job. It is based on things like that, which leads us to believe that positive comments about companies providing security services are often not all that reliable.

A recent example of that type of issue involves frequent topic of this blog, SiteLock. Here was recent tweet from one of their customers:

It sounds like they did a good job, right?

SiteLock then thanked them:

When we first went to look at the website to see if it looked like it been properly cleaned and secured after seeing these tweets, the website was down due to the web host having restricted access to it (a web host that is run by the owners of SiteLock). As of now this is what you get when visiting it:

You don’t have to be a security expert to see that the hack hasn’t been resolved. Beyond what you can see there, which is “hacked by” message and an otherwise empty website, the website is still running an outdated version of WordPress, 4.5.9.

Based on our experience dealing with people who have been customers of SiteLock this poor result isn’t some outlier from an otherwise high quality provider of hack cleanups.

A Better Alternative to SiteLock For Cleaning Up a Hacked Website
If your web host is pushing you to hire SiteLock to clean up a hacked website, we provide a better alternative, where we actually properly clean up the website.

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