Sucuri Security Doesn’t Like the Truth To Be Exposed

When it comes to bad security companies Sucuri Security is certainly up their for a variety things we have seen them do over the years. In just a few of those cases we have written up blog post about those. The company clearly don’t like that we exposed some of their bad practices, as something we just ran across today shows. Someone had posted a review for one of their WordPress plugins, which linked to several of our posts. The review has now been edited, but from the Google cached version you can see what was there and response from Sucuri’s CEO:


The part relevant to our previous posts was (our emphasis added):

Those articles have absolutely nothing to do with the issue you experienced or this ability of this plugin, they are inflammatory and now you’re crossing into the line of social harassment unnecessarily. It’s a shame, seeing your social presence that you’d stoop so low. They are also inaccurate and completely out of context.

So what were these articles they claim are inaccurate and inflammatory.

The third article linked to discussed the poor state of Sucuri’s scanner several years ago, which was accurate then and based on what we have seen more recently the scanner still seems to be quite poor.

The second article discussed an attempt by Sucuri to astroturf a comment on that third article, which they admitted to in the comments of the second article. That comment came from the same person now claiming that the articles are inaccurate, but in his attempt at astroturfing he didn’t actually point out any real inaccuracy in the third article (if any of are articles actually contained inaccuracies we would want to correct them as soon as possible).

The first article discussed how Sucuri uses bad data to try scare people into using their service, so that would make them, not us, the inaccurate ones and probably inflammatory as well.

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