Magento Still Failing To Take Basic and Important Security Measure with Their Software

Last week Magento had a blog post about a spate of false reports of security issues in the Magento software. We will take a closer look at the role that bad security companies and bad security journalism play in that sort of situation in an upcoming post, but something else that stood out to us with that was the fact that they feel the need to put out a post to refute non-existent security issues while still failing to take a basic and important security measure with their software. That security measure being that the current version of your software shouldn’t have known security vulnerabilities in it. This has unfortunately has been the case again for Magento, this time for over a month and a half and counting.

Back on February 9, Magento released a security patch for a very serious vulnerability. It wasn’t until May 1 that they released a new version, which included the security fix built-in, meaning that for nearly three months someone downloading the latest version would be getting something known to be insecure. Then on May 14 another security patch, SUPEE-5994, was released, which is they describe as:

This patch addresses multiple security vulnerabilities in Magento Community Edition software, including issues that can put customer information at risk.

While a major new version, 1.9.2, is expected shortly, as of now the latest version is still, which doesn’t include the security fixes included in SUPEE-5994. If Magento truly means it when they say in that blog post that “The security of the Magento platform is our top priority”, this practice needs to change going forward.

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