Where Revive Adserver is Getting It Right and Wrong

It has been a little over six months since the software formerly known as OpenX changed hands and became Revive Adserver. We thought now would be a good chance to look at an important improvement that has occurred and pretty serious problem that has popped up.

Before we get to that we should note that anyone still running OpenX should upgrade as soon as possible as Revive Adserver has fixed several security vulnerabilities. Other than the bug we will get to later in the post, the upgrade should be rather seamless.

Improved Security

The story of the later years of OpenX was a series of security problems and a lack of concern for security that lead to at least some of those problems. In one instance their systems were breached and someone was able to modify the OpenX downloads so that malicious code was included. In another their systems were breached and used in conjunction with a vulnerability in OpenX, that the OpenX developers had been warned about, to gain access to individual OpenX installations. Another ongoing issue was that OpenX was not releasing the details of what changes were being made in releases. Doing this is important when security vulnerabilities are fixed as it allows others to double check that the issue has been resolved and it also helps people cleaning up hacked ad servers (like us) to know if the vulnerability that was exploited is an old vulnerability that has been fixed or a new vulnerability that would need to be reported to the developer to get fixed.

So far the people behind Revive Adserver have been handling things much better. For the last security vulnerability found in the software, which existed long before it became Revive Adserver, it was promptly fixed and a security advisory with details of it was released.

Our own experience with reporting a security issue to the OpenX and Revive Adserver teams showed the dramatic difference between the two. In June of 2012 a vulnerability was discovered in the XmlRpc component of the Zend Framework. Shortly afterward we sent an email to OpenX’s security address alerting them to the vulnerability in the component, which was included OpenX. We never heard anything back from them and the vulnerable component was never fixed. After the software became Revive Adserver we remembered the issue and decided to try reporting the issue again. Not only did we get a prompt response, but it was clear that they had actually looked into the scope of the vulnerability. As the components were no longer used in Revive Adserver the only way the vulnerability could be exploited is if a plugin used them. To resolve the issue they removed those components in the next release of Revive Adserver, 3.0.3.

A Serious Bug Unfixed

The latest release of Revive Adserver, 3.0.3, has a serious bug that causes new statistics data to stop showing up. Since statistics are important function of the ad server this is something that should have been promptly fixed, but about three weeks later it hasn’t. There were a couple of threads started on their forum (one of which is currently labeled as being HOT) shortly after the release raising the issue and identifying the problem. There were then a couple of bug reports filed, which were closed with a developer directing people to the forum. The latest bug report was filed a week ago and has yet to receive a response from the developers. This situation seems to indicate that improvements could be made in the handling of bug reports and that better pre-release testing might be needed, so that this type of bug can be spotted before it gets into a released version.

For those waiting on an official fix, the easiest way to resolve this for now is to go to the file /lib/RV.php and change the line:

require_once RV_PATH . '/lib/pear/PEAR.php';


require_once 'pear/PEAR.php';


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