Microsoft Launches New Rewards Program for Live Search

Microsoft has launched a new rewards program for Live Search according to a article by CNET News. The program, called SearchPerks, gives “tickets” to users of Microsoft’s Live Search search engine that can be redeemed for prizes or a donation to a charity. For each search a participant in the program receives one ticket, with a maximum of 25 per day. Participants receive 500 tickets for signing up for the program. The prize that can redeemed for the lowest amount of tickets is a ringtone for 105 tickets and the prize require the most amount of ticket is a Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows for 5500 tickets. The program is schedule to run through April 15, 2009, allowing a participant to accrue a maximum of 5425 tickets, falling short of what would be required for the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller. The program is limited to up to one million U.S. residents and requires using Internet Explorer 6 or above, the Windows operating system, and installing a toolbar. Microsoft has run a number of programs tied to using Live Search including Live Search Club, Search and Give, and Live Search Cashback.

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