Revive Adserver (OpenX) Upgrade

We can upgrade your Revive Adserver (formerly OpenX) installation to the latest version, along with upgrading outdated plugins.

In most instances, if you are having a problem with the ad server, upgrading Revive Adserver won't resolve that, but we can usually resolve that issue while working on the upgrade

Upgrading from OpenX 2.8.x to Revive Adserver is relatively minor upgrade and does not require you to make any changes the setup of your advertising.

The whole upgrade process can usually be completed within a day of you getting in touch with us.

Hosting Requirements For 5.5.x:

    (We can check with your hosting provider to make sure that these requirements are met.)
  • PHP version 7.2.5 or greater
  • MySQL version 4.1 or greater, or PostgreSQL is 8.1 or greater


$100 USD

Payment is due after we have completed the upgrade. We accept payment by credit card, debit card, or eCheck through PayPal in several currencies.