Your WordPress Web Host Might Not Really Your Web Host

The current situation with WordPress has exposed a lot of things about WordPress that have largely been hidden away. The lawsuit filed by WP Engine against the company closely associated with WordPress and its CEO focused a lot on that. Seemingly unrelated to that, it also quoted someone that made quite an admission. They claim to host websites, but as they then admit just a sentence later, they are not really hosting websites:

We are in the same boat. We host websites for schools, nonprofits and mostly rural police and fire departments. We have been working with WP engine for seven years and our margins are not big enough to afford to hire in all of the technical services that WP engine provides as part of its hosting package.

Another way to put that is that they are charging their customers a premium for web hosting that they could otherwise buy themselves for less. That could be worth it, if they are providing some value beyond what you could get with going with the same web host directly. But it also could just mean higher costs. Unnecessary higher costs for schools, nonprofits and mostly rural police and fire departments isn’t a good thing.

If you are looking to get away from someone who is up charging you for web hosting, we can handle moving your WordPress website to a new web host.

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