This Is Not a Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability in WordPress 4.2.2

As part our effort to improve the security WordPress plugins we monitor new reports of WordPress related vulnerabilities so that we can help to make sure they get fixed (and add them to our Plugin Vulnerabilities plugin). While most reports involve actual vulnerabilities, fairly often we run across reports for vulnerabilities that don’t exist. Today we ran across one really bad report worth discussing since the claimed vulnerability is so severe. The vulnerability report is titled “WordPress 4.2.2 – Remote File Inclusion“. It would be a big deal if the latest version of WordPress had any publicly disclosed vulnerability, but a remote file inclusion vulnerability would be a very big deal since that is type of vulnerability that is highly likely to be exploited by a hacker.

The first part of the advisory clearly indicates the vulnerability in the latest version of WordPress since the Software Link is to

# Exploit Title : WordPress 4.2.2 - Remote File Inclusion
# Exploit Author : amir disconnect
# Vendor Homepage :
# Date: 30/6/2015
# Tested On : Linux Kali , Windows 7
# Software Link :
# Version : 4.2.2
# CVE: N/A

Then immediately after that it becomes clear the advisory is related to a plugin, since the claimed vulnerable file is a file in the Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugin, which doesn’t come with WordPress:

# Remote File Inclusion

# Proof


So right there we can rule this out as being a vulnerability in WordPress, version 4.2.2 or otherwise, but was about it being a vulnerability in the plugin?

What appears to be the claimed vulnerability is mentioned at the end of the advisory:

Note:at the line 172 include apeared without any filter

That refers to the line “include $template;” in the following function:

public function get_view( $template ) {

	if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) {

		$template_dir = $this->plugin_dir . 'inc/templates/';
		$template     = $template_dir . $template . '.tpl.php';

		if ( ! file_exists( $template ) ) {
			return '';

	include $template;

	return ob_get_clean();

For it to be possible for this to be a vulnerability the value of $template would need to be something that is user assignable, which it isn’t. The variable value is assigned when calling the function get_view. The plugins calls that function in three instances and all of them use pre-assigned values:

echo $this->get_view( 'media-frame' ); // WPCS: xss ok
echo $this->get_view( 'list-item' ); // WPCS: xss ok
echo $this->get_view( 'edit-form' ); // WPCS: xss ok

So there doesn’t appear to be any security issue here.

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