Magento Releases PHP 5.4 Patches for Magento

Last month we discussed Magento’s lack of official support for PHP 5.4 despite the fact that web hosts had been making the move to at least that version and questions raised by that. Magento has now released patches to make Magento compatible with PHP 5.4.  You can get the patches on the Magento Download page in the Magento Community Edition Patches section of the page.

All of the patches modify the following files:

All of the patches except for the one modify:
/app/code/core/Mage/Install/etc/config.xml app/code/core/Mage/Install/etc/config.xml

A new file is added at:

In our previous post we mentioned that we still found that Magento 1.3 would work with PHP 5.4, so older versions can still could probably be used, though you could run into an issue.

For those who can’t use the patches we will be putting out a set of patched files, as we do with the Magento security patches, soon you can use the patched files we have put together.

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